All of our specialist doctors want to make sure that your individual problem is seen by the most appropriate doctor and avoid wasting your time. Referrals can be addressed to a doctor in the clinic but if they decide that you would better suit another specialist’s skill set within the practice they will suggest that your referral be viewed by another doctor.
In Australia it is important for your child’s medical information to be fully provided to the treating psychiatrist and as a parent you carry more information than can be given in a written medical referral. Psychiatrists like to have as much information to base their assessment and formulate a diagnosis. These assessments take more than one appointment to process- so having parents and child seen over this period is preferable.
In Queensland there is a shortage of suitably trained child and adolescent psychiatrists. Each psychiatrist in our practice chooses to see limited numbers of new patients each week in order to have sufficient space to follow up these patients in subsequent weeks. Many doctors fill their appointment diary many months in advance and at times close their books temporarily for new patients while they treat their existing patients.
At your first appointment you will need to bring your Medicare card and updated details. You will already have sent in your referral letter but if there is any new information since that referral, please bring this with you- including any reports from school guidance officers or allied health providers. You will be asked to pay in full at the conclusion of your consultation. The estimated initial costs will have been provided with our introductory email. If you are bringing your whole family to this first appointment please accept that our waiting room may struggle to accommodate a large family group attending in support.
Occasionally earlier appointments become available when patients cancel. We keep a list of individuals who are waiting for a cancellation appointment. If you want an earlier appointment please let the receptionist know any particular specific times which suit your requirements.
Each of the doctors has set their own costs for appointments. We do not advertise these on the website. You can request this information before deciding on an appointment. We will send an estimated cost with the introductory email.
Our practice software is integrated with Medicare so that rebates will automatically be returned to your account within a few days, provided your account details are correct with Medicare. Appointments with the psychiatrist contribute to the Medicare Safety net and when reached this will result in higher rebates into your account.
The psychiatrist will decide in consultation with you, when and how long these appointments should continue. Psychiatrists may see your child more frequently initially while treatment plans are still being finalised and less frequently once the condition is stabilised.
Each doctor decides on their costs including whether discounts are offered to health care card holders. You can ask at the time of making your appointment whether your doctor you will offer a discount. Our practice does not generally offer bulk billing to patients.